Tiring!!! After 4 nights rest, since I came back from my KL trip, I had to go off again. This time to Taman Pertanian Sabah in Tenom, with a group of COHS Cell Leaders, for retreat. I actually haven’t been to a Cell Leaders’ retreat before. Or I think been quite some time since they have this retreat, dunno which was correct. Anyways, We left Labuan by speedboat to Menumbok. This trip was a new experience for me. Most are 1st time experience. Well I’ll tell you wat’s new for me as we go along k?
At the terminal
The entrance
Ok back to speedboat, it was my 1st experience, hahahaha. Normally always use the big ferry to Menumbok, but this time we used the speedboat, coz we need to cut the travelling short.
Our land transport was in Menumbok earlier already. Well planned. Then off we go to Beaufort 1st for breakfast. I had watan mee, it was ok, nothing special. Forgot to take pic of my noodle. The place we had breakfast is very spacious, they said it was a cinema long before, cool. Now mostly used as restaurant for wedding banquet. You know la, Chinese, must have wedding banquet. There are quite a number of Chinese living in Beaufort
The van is getting uncomfortable......wish I was in the Prado car, hehehe.
Beaufort Town
Another view
This building was where we had our breakfast together. Big place.
While in Beaufort, Kim Soing and I rushed to his cousin’s place to get some fish tackles, lures and small equipments. Yes, he’s a fishing freak. I like fishing too, but not as crazy as him. I bought a couple of different lures for my own use during the trip and also when I have the time to fish in Labuan. Cheap bah, coz his cousin gave good discounts. Great! I was told that there are big fishing ponds in the place we’re gonna live. I’m excited man! Thinking that I would catch load of big fishes!!
The market we passed through.
Loads of stuff!! fresh somemore
Up we go to Tenom! I traveled in the church van, Toyota, old car, but dun estimate the power oh, dun pray pray!! Hhahaha. But the travel to Tenom almost turned into disaster. Little that I realise that the car was not working properly until we reach a stop in Tenom, Ps David’s sister’s place.
The drive initially was ok, smooth, until when we start to go uphill, where we need to go through a big hill, so the journey becomes slower as we went up the hill. The weather becomes more cooling, see the scenery outside was quite eye catching. Mists of clouds appearing near the peak of the hill. And scenery below, beautiful, green……..let the pic speak to you. Feel like I was is Genting, hahahhah….cool air,…..
As we reached the peak, then finally we slowly make our way down the hill. It was not steep. So I just relax as the back seat of the van alone. Suddenly I feel like the van is not properly handled. I wonder what the drive was doing. Kim Siong was our driver that day. I look at the road, looks fine, but there’s some part with large potholes and uneven road maybe due to minor corrosion, but still drivable. Suddenly I see there’s a very uneven road ahead as we’re going downhill, but the van doesn’t seem to be slowing down!! I was like……WTF!!! Too late, the van just went through that uneven road, made the van bounced roughly, and I knocked the roof twice!!! Luckily nothing serious happened to me, just a minor pain on my head. I almost got pissed at the driver, though that he purposed do that. So I just cool down and looking at the passengers if they are alright. Seem like everybody are ok. But the trip downward didn’t just stop there. The smell of burn rubber went into the van, and I instantly realise the brakes are overheating. But weird, It’s only 8 of us in the van, and we’re not overloading the van, how come easily getting this burnt smell? I just ask the driver to get into 2nd gear just to reduce any potential damage to the brakes. He did that and the really loud coz having to use the engine to slow the van down as we were still going downwards.
When we reached the flat land, I felt bit relieved, but still wondering what the driver was doing. I realised the truth when we reach the a stop at Ps David’s sister’s place. The van’s brake oil was almost EMPTY!!!! WAH!!! Thinking back, if the van wasn’t carefully handles, we could go down the hill like logs if the van flipped over. The imagination made me paused a bit, thinking of my life, and my love ones. That’s the 1st thing I thought. And prayed thanksgiving to God. I would think that this was one of the closest experience that I could easily be with the Lord.
Ps David's sister's dog,......a Shitzu!!!
So they quickly went to buy the brake oil and we continue on another 20 mins journey to our retreat spot, Taman Pertanian Sabah, Tenom!! I’ll explain further below as we go through the pics I posted.
Everybody sakai,...including me....hahahah..1st time bah to that place.
More sakai looks
Then when we were brought to our hostel, we settle down fast and hungry, hehehe. The hostel are ok, a bit better than expected. Got fridge somemore.
Our quick lunch. Black bean "piang", heheheh. Don't get fooled by the looks, it was actually very good. Honestly.....for me, it's the best I had in my life!!! Labuan pun kalah. I dun had it until in the late evening, then I realised it was very good!!
"Ko Chung" made by Ps David's sister. Very nice indeed. Got 2 types, pork+mushroom, and pork+peanuts.
Curry puffs. Nice also. Not very special la....but still good.
After makan, we prepare ourselves for our 1st session of the day.
Sing song.
After session shared by Rev. David, we have free time. Me and Kim Siong buat apa lagi, fishing la!! We faster faster go......
Setup my rod
Waiting for fish to bite!!
One of the view of the pond.
Patiently waiting.....hehehehe. But in the end din catch any, sigh......nvm.......tomolo got time again.
We had dinner at the restaurant. Actually we're the only guests that stayed in the park. So we have the place all to ourselves. We asked the restaurant to cook for us, buffet style. The food are ok, nothing special, good enough to fill out stomach.
People sitting down and wait for the dinner
The food. We only have 3 dishes.
The food. Not bad la.........
I stayed in the room with Rev David, Kim Siong, and James Ng. played some English chess with James. Very hard to beat him, and it is a thinking game, really got bit dizzy after playing with him, hahaha.
Next morning, fresh cold morning, and after devotion, led by Ps David, we hungry lo.....go breakfast lor.
Discussing strategy on how to catch fish, hahaahha.
The famous Tenom coffee,.hehhehehe. nice oh....
Showing you more of the view of the place
Very big pond
The hills, very nice scenery indeed.
This is where we had our meals, the restaurant
Evening view, very nice.......
This is the group photo. The experience was good. Had good refresher sessions from Rev. David, and a session of ministering and praying for each other. Good! And I feel refreshed, hehehe. Hope I can be a better CL and will do my best to bring up my CG to a new level, AMEN!!!! The fishing? well, both of us din caught any, don't know why the fish didn't bite!!! Next time,....there will be next time!!!!
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