Sunday, June 01, 2008

A day well spent (Pesta Kaamatan) (30/5)

Holiday!!! Woke up around 9am++, can't sleep long coz used to wake up early (5.50am). So just linger around my hse, watched Astro, and finally make an effort to learn and improve my bass.

I had this book for more than 1 yr but nvr even flip and read the book for once!! So finally went through a few chapters. Well, surprisingly, there's a lot of stuff that I really don't know. So I took up my bass guitar, hook up to my PC (which connected to my Altec Lansing speakers + sub woofer). Been doing this for sometime when I play some bass guitar. Sounds really nice from my sub woofer speakers, hahahah.

Then lunch came, hungry!! Fren invited me for lunch at his place. We had fish mee hoon. Amazing that they can cook it. Really nice. Although it's simple, it was good enough for my stomach as I had heavy buffer dinner the night before, hahahah.

Nice oh the fish mee hoon!!! sluuuurp!!

Close up view
Then we went out for wine shopping. We were planning for the wine testing nite with my CG and Joshua CG members. Was looking forward to it. Ah Teng and Caressa had been to a wine testing class before. So they taught us some few tips during the wine testing.
Open sesame!!!!
Oh yeah, we also had cheeses and Ritz crackers during the wine drinking. Cheese goes well with Wine. We got blue cheese, Brie cheese and Cheddar cheese. We really had fun learning and fellowship with eachother.


We had only 2 types of wine. Australian wine and French wine. It's all in the look, smell, and taste.

Sophia: Bang, minta satu gelas lagi, kick la....(hehehehe)

Ah Teng: ok la, ok la.....last glass for you, more ah!!! you had 4 glasses liaw....

Enjoying my wine.......
Caressa also explains a bit from her experience.....
Sophia: Aiyo, many kulat in the blue cheese.....
Ah Teng: Eh,....dun play play with the blue cheese, mahal ah, whack you then you know.....

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